What are the Benefits of Trade Shows?

What Are Trade Shows?
Trade Fairs are defined as: “an exhibition at which businesses in a particular industry promote their products and services.” according to the Oxford Languages dictionary.
At Rysons, we are a wholesale company based in the UK and trade shows have always been something we’ve been interested in. These shows have been a popular way to help businesses for centuries. In the past, traders & merchants would go town to town showing off their clothes, spices, tools & more in the hopes of discovering new goods or getting a good exchange. Over the years the number of trade shows in the UK and beyond continues to increase, along with the amount of goods we have access to, making trade shows more exciting and diverse than ever before. We at Rysons understand the importance of these events, which is why we have been attending shows such as the Birmingham NEC Autumn & Spring Fair for around 20 years. These shows are open to the public, creating many opportunities to gain new customers! We’re always looking for new places at which to exhibit to show the world what we have to offer.
At trade shows you are looking to wow people with your top notch customer service & eye-catching stands displaying all your best & new products. This in real life advertising is unbeatable as you are able to truly convince and sell to the potential customer.
What happens at these events you wonder?
- Keynote speakers: speakers with vast knowledge on the industry of the show you’re at are great as you can hear their insights on certain topics, learn about new developments in the industry and much more!
- Networking, networking, networking: a lot of interaction goes on at these events between you and potential/existing customers and even potential business partners.
- Workshops: these give the opportunity to take part in activities and discussions on topics related to a specific part of your industry.
How To Exhibit At A Trade Show:
Find a show:
- First you need to find a show relevant to your company. There’s all kinds of shows: toys shows, stationery shows, health & beauty shows etc.
- Once you have chosen you then need to answer some questions: What are your objectives? What are you looking to achieve? What will the clientele be like? Is it feasible to attend the show? Etc.
Enquire about prices:
- Look into the pricing for a stand- again, is it feasible?
Preparing for the show:
- Logistics must be figured out, think about transport to and from the event, how many workers will be needed, accommodation, parking and how/when you will be able to offload/load your stands.
- Get word out about your company attending the show through emails, advertisements on your website, social media and word of mouth.
- Setting specific targets you would like to reach is a good idea to give you a clear plan of action.
- Designing a stand that is attention grabbing and attractive is key.
- Think carefully on which products will sell best and which ones you can market well to the specific clientele at the show.
- Having a list of contacts ready that you wish to connect with is useful to give a clear objective & you should also think about giving out marketing brochures to any leads!
At the show:
- Once you’re at the show it’s pretty straight forward, simply enjoy it, make sure you are networking and giving off a good impression which will make selling your products that much easier!
- Providing refreshments for potential customers is also a great way to show your company is caring and all about customer service. Building & forming relationships is key!
Why Go To A Trade Show?
B2B businesses, such as wholesale suppliers, really benefit from these shows, let’s delve further into just exactly how they benefit…
Increase Sales & Leads
These fairs allow you to interact with both existing & potentially new customers leading to more leads and of course, more sales. They offer the opportunity to nurture existing customer relationships and show them any new products they may be interested in. When it comes to new customers, you have the chance to really sell them on your products, services and brand. Once you have made this face-to-face introduction, calling them up and selling your products is that much easier and the likelihood of making a sale is increased.
Increasing Brand Awareness
Trade shows are fantastic for this! Showcasing your products and also the people behind the business is a great way to get the brand's name and services out there, building a solid reputation. The shows are full of business people & customers looking for products similar to that offered by your company. It is a lot harder to ignore the face-to-face marketing of a real life stand and person than it is an advertisement on your computer or an email in your inbox!
Networking is integral to getting the most out of trade shows- you are able to connect with new or existing contacts, exchanging information that will help you in your industry. Many conversations will be happening, and engaging in the relevant ones can help you gain information on things you had yet to think about and also give you different perspectives. Finding contacts who can supply your company is also a great way to grow your business by finding exciting new products.
Show Products Samples In Real Life
People are often skeptical about buying products online, so what better way to ease their worries than to show customers samples of your fantastic products! You are able to show them what they look like and exactly how the products work, easing any concerns they may have.
Produce Real Life Feedback on Products
Feedback should be very important to any brand looking to grow. Nobody is perfect- no matter how much we would like to think that we are- and having these important conversations is great as you’re able to see exactly what the market and your customers are wanting.
Insight On The Industry
The opportunity to be in one room with so many like minded people and business is gold, giving you the chance to gain knowledge on your industry and also the current market. Plus, you are able to gauge the competition and see just what they are doing that is putting them ahead. Getting a headstart on identifying new trends that may be about to occur/are occurring and setting about acquiring products relevant to these trends is yet another benefit of trade shows!
Future Trade Shows:
Join us at these future trade shows that Rysons will be exhibiting at:
- Tuesday 17th May - Wednesday 18th May 2022: London Stationery Show
- Sunday 4th September - Wednesday 7th September 2022: NEC Autumn Fair